Case Study of The Implementation of Embroidery Activities in Clients with Low Self-Esteem
Background: Clients with low self-esteem problems feel useless, lack socialization and will experience a decrease in positive abilities. If the problem of low self-esteem is left untreated, it can trigger other problems such as social isolation. One of the efforts to increase the positive abilities of clients with low self-esteem can be done by implementing embroidery activities.
Objective: The purpose of this case study is to analyze the management of embroidery activities on clients with low self-esteem.
Method: The method used is a case study by implementing evidence based practice in nursing care.
Results: The results obtained after implementing the low self-esteem intervention with embroidery activities for 4 days: there was a decrease in signs and symptoms of low self-esteem such as feelings of uselessness, increased level of activity ability, and being able to socialize with other people.
Conclusion: The conclusion in this case study is that embroidery activity is one of the positive activities that clients like and improves the client's motor skills and self-confidence. The results of the self-esteem scale measurement which was initially categorized as low turned into a medium category.
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