The Role of Minangkabau and Batak Families in Medan

  • Siti Zahara Nasution Fakultas Keperawatan USU
  • Muhammad Ridha Haykal Amal Universitas Medan Area
  • Qurrata Aina Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: mother role, family, Minangkabau, Batak, ethnic, culture


Background. The family has a pattern of relationships or rules of behavior and is a social institution that has a system of norms and procedures for completing important tasks. The family is an important social institution in Indonesia, where the family has a set of norms and rules to accomplish important tasks in the family. Families play an important role in shaping a person's character and social behavior in society. The main task of the family is to pass on traditions, attitudes, behaviours and values by creating an environment conducive to positive interaction and socialization between the child and their environment. The Minangkabau community in Indonesia, originating from West Sumatra, has a matrilineal kinship system, which emphasizes childcare by the mother and guidance from the mother's brothers. In contrast, the father's role is to provide for the family. The Batak community has a patrilineal kinship system, where kinship relationships are based on the father's lineage. In Batak tradition, men have a higher status than women, and only men are allowed to make decisions in family discussions.

Methods. This study is quantitative in nature using descriptive methods. The population of this study was 600 Minangkabau families and 480 Batak families in Medan with a sample of 169 people, of which 86 people from the Minangkabau tribe and 83 people from the Batak tribe. The technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire.

Results. The results showed that mothers from the Minangkabau tribe were in the very good category at 73.3% and the Batak tribe respondents were in the very good category with a total of 72.3%.

Conclusion. The role of mothers from the Minangkabau and Batak tribes is in the excellent category.

Keywords: Mother's Role, Family, Minangkabau, Batak

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ridha Haykal Amal, Universitas Medan Area

Department of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law

Qurrata Aina, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Sumatera Utara


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How to Cite
Nasution, S. Z., Amal, M. R. H., & Aina, Q. (2023). The Role of Minangkabau and Batak Families in Medan. Journal of Bionursing, 5(3), 346-353.

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