Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Kanker Serviks dengan Penerapan Terapi Musik Klasik terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan
Background: Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death in women after breast cancer. One of the treatments for cervical cancer patients is chemotherapy, chemotherapy can cause patients to experience anxiety. Anxiety experienced by patients can be reduced by music therapy, namely Mozart. Mozart's music used is mozart with a slow tone.
Methods: This EBN application aims to determine the effect of Mozart classical music therapy to reduce the anxiety of cervical cancer patients.
Results: The results of the pre-test score of the HARS questionnaire in intervention patients obtained a score of 23 and post-test 17, there was a decrease in the value of anxiety by 6 scores. While in the control group obtained a value of 25 and post test 24, there is a decrease in the value of anxiety by 1 score. In the intervention group, Mozart music therapy was given, while in the control group there was no treatment.
Conclusion: The researcher concluded that the intervention of listening to Mozart's classical music was effective in reducing anxiety. This study suggests that those who provide nursing care for anxiety patients can provide non-pharmacological interventions such as listening to classical music, namely Mozart.
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