Evaluation of the Implementation of Fluid Fulfillment in PONV Patients after Abdominal Surgery

  • Wella Juartika Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
  • Jhon Feri Lubuklinggau Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
  • Agustin Diastuti Lubuklinggau Nursing Study Program, Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang


Background: Nausea and vomiting are problems that almost some patients often complain about after surgery. Some patients claim to experience nausea and vomiting after regaining consciousness from surgery.

Objective: this study was to evaluate the Implementation of Fluid Fulfillment in PONV Patients After Abdominal Surgery.

Methods: In this study quantitative methods with crossectional. The sample used in this study was respondents who were willing or willing to consciously follow this study, aged 17 years over, and had been operated on after 12 hours. The exclusion criteria in this study were patients who did not have complaints of nausea or vomiting. This research was conducted from March – August 2022. In this study, the variables used were age, sex, duration in surgery, smoking history, post-op history, and pain post-op.

Results. The frequency distribution of respondents is several variables. In most age variables at the age of 51-75 years as much as 63.4%, in the sex variable more than half of men as much as 63.4%. The next variable was more than half the duration of surgery at a duration of 1 hour 77.7% with those who had a history of smoking as much as 56.7% and did not have a history of PONV more than half. Based on the variable incidence of PONV as many as 60% experience mild PONV events and moderate postoperative pain as much as 60%. It can be seen that the P-value value is 0.000 on the age and gender variables. The seen p-value of surgical duration was 0.004; the History of smoking with a p-value of 0.001; Postop history with a p-value of 0.003 and post-op pain with p p-value of 0.010.  It can be concluded that there is an association between age, sex, duration of surgery, smoking history, post-op history and post-op pain with PONV

Conclusion: The conclusion in this study is that there is an association between age, sex, duration of surgery, smoking history, postoperative history, and post-op pain with PONV.


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