The Effect of Play Therapy Puzzle and Finger Painting on Fine Motor Development of Pre-School Children in Baturraden Sub-District Banyumas: A Case Study

  • Kinanti Tiara Mahmudia Putri Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Dian Ramawati Universitas Jenderal Soediman
  • Haryatiningasih Purwandari Universitas Jenderal Soediman


Background: Delays in the fine motor development of preschoolers will have an impact on subsequent developments so stimulation is needed to improve fine motor development in preschoolers. Puzzle play therapy and finger painting can be used to improve fine motor skills in preschool-aged children.

Objective: Evaluating puzzle play therapy and finger painting and comparison of puzzle play therapy, finger painting, and a combination of puzzle play therapy and finger painting on improving fine motor development in preschool-aged children in Baturraden District, Banyumas Regency.

Method: The case study involved three respondents of preschool children who experienced delays in fine motor development. Implementation based on the method of case study analysis based on nursing intervention giving play therapy is carried out for six meetings for 15 minutes, and observation of fine motor development using a questionnaire based on DDST II with a Likert scale is carried out before and after the intervention

Result: There are fine motor changes in An. K after being given finger painting playing therapy from the pretest results with a score of 19 to 31 at the posttest, there were fine motoric changes in An. A. being given puzzle play therapy from the pretest results with a score of 20 to 33 at the posttest, there were fine motor changes in An. K, after being given a combination of finger painting and puzzle playing therapy from the pretest resulted in a score of 19 to 35 in the posttest.

Conclusion: There is an increase in fine motor skills in children after being given play therapy, between the two puzzles which have an effect compared to finger painting. However, the combination of puzzle play therapy and finger painting has the most effect on improving fine motor skills in preschool-aged children preschool-aged children, fine motor skills, puzzle, and finger painting.


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