Studi Kasus Implementasi Edukasi Kesehatan tentang TB Menggunakan WhatsApp terhadap Pengetahuan Klien Ibu Menyusui dengan TB

  • Liviana Indriyani Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Mekar Dwi Anggraeni Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Background: Tuberculosis is an infectious (non-obstetric) infectious disease that is the leading cause of death in mothers. Pregnant women are one of the groups more susceptible to TB. Pregnancy can complicate TB treatment and will have an impact on the postpartum period. In addition to treatment, health education is one of the important things to do to increase maternal knowledge. One of the social media that can be used is WhatsApp.

Methodology: a case study was conducted for implementing evidenced-based practice, namely health education about TB using WhatsApp in patients with TB. Implementation begins with a pretest (using a questionnaire). The application of education using WhatsApp was carried out three times. Then an evaluation was carried out with a posttest.

Research Results: After conducting health education using WhatsApp, there was an increase in knowledge on the questionnaire results from 53% (sufficient) to 78% (good).

Conclusion: The application of health education about TB using WhatsApp during three interventions on Mrs. S showed the results of increased knowledge.


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