Studi Kasus Implementasi Konseling Seksualitas Menggunakan Model PLISSIT Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Seksual pada Klien dengan Kanker Payudara

  • Christin Silitonga Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Mekar Dwi Anggraeni Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Lutfatul Latifah Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Background: Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is the biggest cause of cancer-related death in women. Breast cancer is not caused by a definite cause. One of the recommended treatments for breast cancer is chemotherapy which can reduce body image and affect the quality of the patient's sexual life. Sexuality counseling is needed to identify sexual problems and restore sexual relations between patients and partners. The sexuality counseling model that can be used is the Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestion and Intensive Therapy (PLISSIT) model.

Method: Case studies apply implementation based on evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing care. Nursing intervention using the PLISSIT sexuality counseling model was carried out to 1 respondent in Kemutug Kidul Village 1/3 on 2, 3, and 4 Desember 2022. The data collection instrument used was the Sexual Quality of Life-Female questionnaire (SQOL-F).

Results: After the intervention of sexuality counseling using the PLISSIT model for 3 days, there was an increase in the results of the SQOL-F questionnaire from 51 (moderate) to 68 (good). The PLISSIT model intervention does not cause side effects for clients and their partners.

Conclusion: The application of sexuality counseling interventions using the PLISSIT model resulted in an increase in the quality of sexual life in clients with post-mastectomy breast cancer and those undergoing chemotherapy.


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