Studi Kasus Penerapan Terapi Pursed Lips Breathing dan Meniup Balon terhadap Perubahan Frekuensi Napas dan Kedalaman Napas Pada Anak ISPA
Background: Acute respiratory infection (ARI) is an infectious disease of the airway and usually occurs in children under five years of age. The execution of children with ISPA disorders is one of them with supporting pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. This case study aims to apply the influence of pursed lips breathing therapy with modified balloon blowing on changes in frequency and depth in the children of the ISPA dean. Methods: Methods used by researchers using Evidence Based Nursing (EBN). The respondents were three to five-year-olds with ISPA disorder with inefficient walking problems and ineffective breathing patterns. Pursed lips breathing technique with modified balloon blowing is performed for 3 cycles in 1 cycle for 20 seconds. Results: After 14 nursing visits in 7 days in the morning and afternoon, i.e. pursed lips breathing with a modified balloon blowing technique, the result was that there was a change in the frequency of breathing on the first day of the intervention at An. A. 38 times/ minutes and a decrease on the seventh day to 24 times/ minute.
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